Confidence speaks volumes and sends signals about our state of mind to others, whether we’re aware of it or not. It attracts positive attention in the workplace and it sends a strong message to criminals that you are not…

Confidence speaks volumes and sends signals about our state of mind to others, whether we’re aware of it or not. It attracts positive attention in the workplace and it sends a strong message to criminals that you are not…
It has been the strangest year for all of us and it’s taken its toll. For many of us, the holidays are beckoning. Superspreader events across the country have exacerbated the second wave of Coronavirus. There is anxiety about…
Road safety extends beyond the obvious like not driving under the influence. Your behaviour in your vehicle should be conscious and the best advice is to start working on new safety habits in your car to keep you safe…
Car-jamming is the term we use to describe what happens when criminals use technology to jam the locks of your car when you use your remote to lock the doors. They essentially block the signal and gain access to…
The increase of child abductions is a disturbing trend that has parents concerned about the safety of their children. The latest reports reveal brazen attempts to kidnap kids from restaurant tables in broad daylight and at malls across the…
Preparedness is the key to protecting yourself. Do you have any weapons? If you do, do you practice with them often and carry them with you? Book some self-defence classes for you and your family: Building your…
Take action to protect yourself from hijacking. You are most vulnerable: at schools when dropping off or picking up children, at traffic signs or intersections, when you are place and time predictable or have a set routine, and in…
If 2020 has taught us anything, it has to be that the key to success is being well prepared. While the spread of Coronovirus raged across the northern hemisphere, those of us down south were given a window of…
The cleanliness of a facility is a major safety issue and is increasingly being linked to health care as more people realize the close relationship between a clean indoor environment and human health.
The stats on germs in personal workspaces reveal that, on average, a desktop harbours 20,961 germs per square inch, a keyboard up to 3,295, and a phone a staggering 25,127. All these are far more than the 127 germs per square inch found on your average toilet seat!
Since most employees spend the majority of their workday in their office space, the opportunity for these germs to negatively impact their health is great. So, too, are the adverse effects sick workers can have on a business.
Nearly every business has a lunchroom, break room or other areas where people and food meet. Keeping these areas clean and sanitized tells employees and visitors that their health is a priority, which improves employee morale and increases productivity.
Slips and falls aren’t the only hazard floors can pose. Recent research in health care facilities shows that floors that come in contact with wheelchairs, medical equipment, bodily fluids and even staff shoes can be a major source of healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs). These safety concerns translate into real losses for your business through worker absences, lost productivity, more worker compensation claims and higher insurance premiums.
Dirty sinks and counters, unflushed or urine-sprinkled toilets, empty or sloppy soap dispensers, inadequate hand drying options are all safety and health hazards poorly maintained restrooms pose. The detrimental effects these adverse conditions can have on workers over a period of time include long-term health issues, absenteeism, and even depression.
Besides posing major health issues, a dirty bathroom is bad for business.
If you follow the above suggestions in these four key areas, you’ll go a long way toward making your business cleaner, safer and more profitable. Contact us to discuss professional cleaning and hygiene solutions that will help improve your bottom line.
Red Alert star Matt Fourie on SSL Exceptionals