
What to do in the event of an accident

We’re heading into Easter Holidays soon and for us it is synonymous with high death tolls on our national roads. This is what you need to know in the event of a car accident.
In terms of Section 61 of the National Road Traffic Act (93 of 1996), a driver is obliged to do the following when involved in a vehicle accident:

  • Immediately stop the vehicle
  • Ascertain the nature and extent of any injury sustained
  • If a person is injured, render assistance as he / she is capable of rendering
  • Ascertain the nature and extent of damage sustained
  • If required to do so, give his / her name and address, the name and address of the owner of the vehicle, as well as the registration number to any person having reasonable grounds for the information
  • Report the accident at a police station within 24 hours and produce the drivers licence
  • Do not take any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug unless prescribed by a medical practitioner.

It is very important that as the driver, you obtain as much information from the driver of the other vehicle as possible.  Take down the following information of the other driver:

  • name and id number
  • address
  • make of vehicle and registration number
  • phone number

We recommend you take photos of the scene and the licence discs on the windscreens of all vehicles involved in the accident if possible. These may be useful for your insurance company.
You will need to accurately identify the location of the accident so write down the street names and pace out distances if it is safe to do so. 
Seek medical attention so that you have a record of any possible causes of latent injuries without which you will be unable to make a claim.
Never accept blame, it might compromise you. Do not take calls from the other driver once you have contacted your insurance company. Rather give them the contact details of your insurer who deals with all the legal stuff on your behalf. Anything you say or do can be misconstrued and compromise your claim.
It is always better to be prepared for any situation so complete the list below and keep a laminated copy in your cubbyhole.
EMERGENCY CONTACT: Download the Red Alert Emergency App from your Google Play Store to contact us directly and set up an ICE emergency contact. Download the safety app now.  
INSURANCE: Your insurer will guide you through the process. Keep their number in the vehicle and on your phone.
TOWING: Do not allow any towing company to tow your car. Your insurer will appoint one they know and trust.
Drive safely, be aware of other drivers on the road and never drink and drive.