Little can rival the potential for infection as much as open wounds which is why you need to prepare a first aid kit for the office. No reason to stop there though, make up a kit for the car and home as well so that you’re prepared for any eventuality.
The first rule for good hygiene is to wash your hands and its worth keeping this in mind when you pack your first aid kit. Add some hand sanitizer and protective surgical gloves. Keep stock of the following items on hand and regularly check if any medications have expired and need to be replaced.
• Hand Sanitizer
• Antiseptic Wound Cleaner
• Wound Swabs (75mm x 75mm x 8 ply)
• 100g Cotton Wool
• Sterile Gauze Pads
• Pair of Forceps
• Pair of Scissors of at least 100mm in size
• Set of Safety Pins
• Triangular Bandages
• Conforming Bandages (75mm x 5m and 100mm x 5m)
• Roll of Elastic Adhesive (25mm x 3m)
• Non-Allergenic Adhesive Strip (25mm x 3m)
• Adhesive Dressing Strips – Assorted Sizes
• First Aid Dressings (75mm x 100mm and 150mm x 200mm)
• Straight Splints
• Large and Medium Disposable Latex or Vinyl Gloves
• CPR Mouth Pieces or similar devices
• Rehydration sachets
• Panado or similar
Many leading pharmacies have a range of first aid kits suitable for home or office use but for specialised industrial applications, contact expert suppliers in your area. Your Human Resources Department should be aware of statutory requirements but make a note to print posters and place them around the premises so that employees know where to go in the event of an emergency.
Consider investing in a short First Aid training course for your staff to better equip them with skills that could save a life. Awareness and preparedness are critical when it comes to your safety.