Some useful tips for your personal safety in malls and parking areas. Remember, the security officers are there for your safety so don’t hesitate to report any suspicious behaviour.
Parking Areas
- Never park in an isolated area.
- Park as close to possible to entrances in a well-lit area.
- Make a note of where you park.
- Keep valuables out of sight, rather put them in the boot of the car.
- Make sure that the doors are properly shut and that the alarm has been set. Check the doors before you leave.
- Have your keys on hand when you return to the car.
- Don’t dig in your wallet for change – have it ready if you wish to tip anyone
While You Shop
- Walk confidently and be alert.
- Keep your handbag on your person at all times and make sure that it is properly closed. Keep the clasp or flap towards you.
- Do not carry too much cash and don’t make it visible whilst paying. It is preferable to make payments with cards.
- Never let your children out of your sight.
- Again, don’t hesitate to report suspicious behaviour.