The secret to reducing indoor allergens

Allergies are one of the leading causes of chronic illness. The most common indoor allergies include sinus, hayfever and nasal allergies. The most common triggers are mold spores, dust mites, cockroaches, dog cat, and rodent dander.
Dust mites are the most common trigger of asthma and allergy symptoms inside the home and office. One of the best ways of controlling indoor allergens is to get rid of the dust but dusting can actually make things worse by throwing up particles into the air.
Use a damp or treated cloth that attracts dust and minimise clutter in your home. Ornaments are referred to as dust collectors for a good reason!
Wash your bedding and rugs regularly. Do a hot wash for pillowcases and blankets – at least 130 degrees – and follow up with a hot dryer to kill dust mites. Consider investing in allergen-proof covers for mattresses and pillows to encase non-washable items.
Switch to green cleaning agents. Many of the harsh chemicals in traditional cleaning products cause allergic reactions so try to stick to natural products instead. The green trend means that you are now able to find alternative solutions that are friendlier to the environment and your body. Always keep vinegar, lemon and baking soda in the pantry.
Reduce pet dander indoors. The protein found in the saliva, urine, and dander (dead skin flakes) of our pets is a common allergen. Wash your pet at least once a week and vacuum frequently. Designate bedrooms as pet-free zones – these areas are magnets for dust mites in mattresses and pillows already so don’t compound the problem with pets.
Mold and mildew thrive in damp areas so keep countertops and shower doors dry. Open windows to let steam out in the kitchen and bathroom and take the time to remove mold from tiles.