Our choices reveal our intentions

We have today, each of us, the choice to change the world and to be the leaders we wish we had. The inimitable thought leader, Simon Sinek, captured it in his famous words, “our choices reveal our intentions.” 
Business today is defined by our ability to remain relevant, be agile and sustainable. The emergence of new and inspiring thought leaders like Elon Musk encourage each of us to challenge the status quo, investigate our intentions, unpack our systems and interrogate our methods to be better in every respect. This new decade brings with it a sense that it is time to reflect on our impact on the lives of our employees, the communities we serve and the world at large. It is no longer enough to churn our product without first considering the impact beyond the profit potential. 
Consumers and influencers are forcing change so whether we like it or not, the time will come when we will be accountable for our decisions. That time is now. 
We sit at the gateway to our future where technology, innovation and good intentions are the game changers. At this precarious tipping point in our history, we are tasked with making the right and the responsible choices to ensure that future.
For us at Red Alert, that means always finding ways to extend our business relationships into community projects where we go beyond demonstrating our services to reach out to others and provide guidance, mentorship and information to our extended publics in an effort to make a real impact and to bring about positive change.
By being open to innovative technologies that are reshaping our business, we are able to provide our customers and communities with solutions that make them feel safer and help them sleep better at night. It is our responsibility to bring about positive change quicker and more efficiently in order to provide better solutions to our publics. From less intrusive facial recognition programmes to real-time guarding solutions linked to our vault, technology is part of our DNA and part of our culture.
The world has become a scary place where trust is no longer a given and we are actively reaching out to individuals to teach them to trust themselves, trust their instincts, and know how to react in the moment. Our national CSI programmes allows us to engage with real people on the ground to talk eye-to-eye and address their concerns. We consider this an absolute for business and we are proud to be building a lasting legacy for future generations.  